Part 1|Part 2|Part 3| Part 4

PcHelpWare Manuals

This is what is included in the zip file.


Once you run the “PcHelpWare_viewer.exe” for the first time, three additional folders are created, called "cache", “connections” and “myservers” – see below.


create_server:  This folder contains the needed files to generate the server exe
drivers:  If you wish to speed up a LAN connection, you can install special mirror drivers on w2k, XP and Vista.
repeater: This folder contain the repeater, this is the same what run on
server_res:  Contain the background and icon of the server exe.  Can be customized
PcHelpWare_viewer.exe: an integrated all-in-one "server-creator" and "remote-viewer"
readme.txt: This file contains a more brief overview than that presented here
cache: Where a background cache is saved to disk, for reuse with the next connection
connections: This folder is used to save the viewer profiles.
myservers: In this folder you find the generated servers.  The servers are saved in a sub folder with the same name as the viewer profile eg: creating a server called "Romeo" creates a sub-folder called "Romeo" and inside that sub-folder sits your new file called "PcHelpWare_server.exe"